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OK now back to my cheese *LOL*
What a morning *LOL* I did not hear the alarm and was late, so I rushed to the main farm and did not feed sheepy and other critters early ...
anyhow today it went much better, but the idea with the syphon did not work out as planned, it did but not perfect.. and it is yucky to swallow warm whey *LOL*
so this is my new vat (like I said in a earlier post it's not the real thing)
here are 2 pictures during filling of the milk
Here is my press my husband made me for the 3 little forms
On the next picture you see that the rennet is starting to work and the milk is firming up
here I have cut the milk *LOL* hahaha cut the milk!!
better view of it
and after removing some whey with the syphon *LOL* and adding hot water the curds are slowly cooking up.
Filling in the small forms
The 3 small forms are almost ready to be pressed
The Big one is from about 110 liters of milk and it's pressing
here are the 3 small once sitting under the press each one is about from 30 liters of milk
and here my stuff is clean and ready to go again..
In a few minutes I will go back and I will redress the cheese, will try to take pictures of that to..
it's gonna be a long day today, later I have to drive my daughter to Drivers Ed for 5pm rush home, feed my animals, get back to the farm to get the cheese and put it in the Brine, First I have to remove the other cheese from the brine (the one I made 2 days ago.
after all that is done I have to go and get my daughter from Driver's ED each way is about 30 minute drive, I would stay in town but I just have so much to do,
I do cheese every 2nd day, but it looks like I will do it tomorrow again, since Sunday I have to help with the milking and do not have time to make cheese.
so see you later...
OK I just came back from redressing the cheese, redressing is donne now they look all pretty in the press *LOL* They will stay in there until later tonight.
ok off do do some more work... will post a few more pictures tonight if I get the time.
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