Monday, April 26, 2010

Monday... I don't like Monday's!!

I made a batch again this morning... and somehow it did not turn out like I wanted.. I guess I give up on the Alp45 *LOL* this time I did something different and was wondering how it works.. well not to well!!
After the rennet did his job, I cut it and then I did NOT stir!! I just let it set for 10 minutes... what a mess, the curds kind of fused together.. and eaven after removing the whey and adding hot water, the clumps where still there :(
filled up the 3 samm forms and then the big one... OMG the big one is way way to big :( so after a few hr.. I went and cut it in half, but a cheesecloth in between and put it back in to the press....
Soon I will go and redress the cheese and I will see if it changed *LOL*

I will wait a few more days before I attempt the Baby Swiss and wait eaven longer before I make the Emmentaler *LOL*

Batch #4 200 liters
total so far 800 liters of milk

OH  yesterday I rubbed red vino on a few cheeses and one I rubbed with garlic olive oil, I had some garlic sitting in oliveoil and lets see how this turns out ;P

today it's a pretty stressfull day, the guys are in the fields seeding and I have to run from farm to farm, checking on the cheese, bring food to my husband.. and just be on call, plus I have to help with the milking tonight, the guys will surely still be in the Fields..

one foster lamb is not doing so well either, looks like he got in to the grain :( he does not eat, he gets his bottles of milk, but won't eat hay :( soon after drinking all the others jump around and play and he just goes and lies down all depressed :( poor little guy, I gave him some meds and hopefully he will be OK... he does not belong to me...I just take care of him till my friend gets back from the army training... I sure don't want to give her bad news about Pablo!

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