Thursday, April 22, 2010

arggggg.... my hubby made me upset

Today I had to go to the feed store to get some layer feed for my chickens, and I wanted to buy a feed scoop to help me with my cheese making... ( I know this sounds more then strange) but I was over the moon when I sah this big scoop and I bought it :)

went home and was ready with my solderin iron to poke/burn some holes in it so the whey can drain and the curds stay put...

but Hubby had to be smart and said he will drill me some holes in it, burning some is not good...!!!

anyhows I left to go pick up my daughter from cadets and when I came home I sah what he did!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
OMG I freaked out... look what he did, he BROKE my scoop... he said it just broke when he drilled the 5th hole on the botttom ... argggg...

I know how to fix it tomorrow... but way did it have to break... I need that tomorrow morning...

My husband is usualy super dupper handy in buildin and fixing things... really he ROCKS!!! but not with MY scoop :(

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