Friday, April 30, 2010

Wow it's Friday again

The days just seem to Fly by!

This morning again cheese day *LOL* I made a BergAlp (named it myself) today! went well did just one picture of the cheesemaking,

but I did take other pictures during the time I had to wait.

here are some of the milkhouse, this is also the place where I make the cheese!

I also went in and took some pictures during the milking *LOL*

What are you looking at???
I'm donne giving you my milk... let me go and have breakfest now
moooo moooo!!!
and some pictures of the barn.

after milking, all is clean again ;P

the guys where in the field seeding today, so I was running around like a maniac to make sure the cheese is taken care of in the press,

and that my husband has lunch *LOL*

tonight I had to help with the milking again, but almost half way through I left to take care of the cheese and go to my barn and feed my sheep and all the other pets I have.

I'm not sure if I will make cheese tomorrow, since Sunday I have to milk morning and night. I guess I will find out tomorrow morning early. I would prefer to sleep in *LOL*

It's so quiet here tonight *LOL*
I had to drive my daughter to the next town,

she is in cadets and this weekend they have a FTX = Filed Train Exercise. she will be comming back on Sunday *LOL*

just 4 more days and I will try the cheese :)

Batch #6 200 liters
total so far 1200 liters of milk

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Another cheese day *LOL*

This morning I was at the Farm early, the guys just started to milk and I had to wait till I could start pumping the milk :)

I adjusted the plate cooler so that the milk was just about the right temperature to start making cheese :)

My sister-in-law was there to separating cream, her small separator did not work properly today, I think next time we will just take the Big one.

here is a picture of the separator and the cream and I will try to link a video to...

YUMMY YUMMY look at the YUMMY cream :)

The cheese I made today was another batch of Bergkaese, OMG everything went just smoothly :)

in the afternoon I went to redress the cheese and was hoping to take pictures when my husband would churn the cream in to Butter

but he did it without me earlier, so I only was able to take pictures
of the setup and the finish Butter.

the my sis-in-law showed up to wash and pack the butter, so I took a few pictures of that :)

and also a some pictures of the cave that is slowly filling with cheese :)

Batch #5 200 liters

total so far 1000 liters of milk

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

another day

This morning my sister-in-law made some cream, some will be ice cream and some will be used for butter, she did some tonight again and I asked her to take pictures of it, I will post them when she gets them to me, I asked my other sister-in-law if she will take pictures of the ice cream making process *LOL* she will do so on Friday :) will also post as soon as I get them..

you see here we all share the chores in using up the milk :)

my hubby made this gadget *LOL* well it's a simple pail and he welded a big stainless paddle to it *LOL* and we use a drill to turn the cream in to butter *LOL*
last year I had to get a bigger drill because I burned two smaller once *LOL*

I will take pictures of that to, guessing it will tomorrow sometimes in between the cheese makeing... but not sure yet..

hmmm I ate so much cream today *LOL* the cream was so thick and I added Ovaltine chocolate mix to it... it was sooo good *LOL* it tasted like super ritch mousse..
but I ate so much I almost felt sick..

today I also used my new Tassimo coffee maker for the first time, it's set up in the new house so when we work there we can drink some, but today we had hunters here, and it was a cold day and snowing :(
anyways we went in to the house with the hunters, so they could warm up and have a cup of coffee :) was nice talking to them :) they came down here just to hunt geese and right now the kids up North have school hollydays (geese holiday) 2 weeks :)

they will come back tommorrow and also next year :)  Next year one of them will bring me a "ulu" a skinning knife :)

Monday, April 26, 2010

Monday... I don't like Monday's!!

I made a batch again this morning... and somehow it did not turn out like I wanted.. I guess I give up on the Alp45 *LOL* this time I did something different and was wondering how it works.. well not to well!!
After the rennet did his job, I cut it and then I did NOT stir!! I just let it set for 10 minutes... what a mess, the curds kind of fused together.. and eaven after removing the whey and adding hot water, the clumps where still there :(
filled up the 3 samm forms and then the big one... OMG the big one is way way to big :( so after a few hr.. I went and cut it in half, but a cheesecloth in between and put it back in to the press....
Soon I will go and redress the cheese and I will see if it changed *LOL*

I will wait a few more days before I attempt the Baby Swiss and wait eaven longer before I make the Emmentaler *LOL*

Batch #4 200 liters
total so far 800 liters of milk

OH  yesterday I rubbed red vino on a few cheeses and one I rubbed with garlic olive oil, I had some garlic sitting in oliveoil and lets see how this turns out ;P

today it's a pretty stressfull day, the guys are in the fields seeding and I have to run from farm to farm, checking on the cheese, bring food to my husband.. and just be on call, plus I have to help with the milking tonight, the guys will surely still be in the Fields..

one foster lamb is not doing so well either, looks like he got in to the grain :( he does not eat, he gets his bottles of milk, but won't eat hay :( soon after drinking all the others jump around and play and he just goes and lies down all depressed :( poor little guy, I gave him some meds and hopefully he will be OK... he does not belong to me...I just take care of him till my friend gets back from the army training... I sure don't want to give her bad news about Pablo!

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Not the perfect day!!

The day did not start well, I went to make cheese so I took the culture out of the freezer and went *LOL* Plan was to make BergAlp cheese, but I took the wrong culture and I ended up making Alp45 cheese (this is another one I named myself), anyhow all went well til it was time to remove some whey and add hot water... well the hot water tank did not want me to make the perfect cheese, only one element worked.. anyhow no idea what was wrong, my brother in law just said that something did not work right but I should have hot water soon.... well not soon for me :( took me forever to get the temperature up to what I needed, so I removed so much whey that at the end.... hmmm no idea how this cheese will taste *LOL*

This afternoon I helped hubby removing some old fence and soon I will go and get the cheese to put it in the Brine..

later on if all goes well we will have a campfire... :)

not much interesting today............... except for the messed up morning!!

Batch #3 200 liters
total so far 600 liters of milk

Nothing interesting today

Not much happend today, I just drove my daughter to town, went shopping bought a turkey cooker *LOL* I need the pot for chili and hubby wants to build a Still *LOL*

oh I also bought the Tassimo coffee maker :) Zellers had it on sale for $99.99 but none in stock :( so I went next door to Canadian Tire with the Zellers Flyer and pricematched ( FOR THE VERY FIRST TIME) and got it :) wohoo!!
It's gonna go in to the new house we are building, so wen we take a break we don't have to walk across the Yard to come here in this house to get a coffee ;P

I got home not to long ago, went to pick up my daughter.. now I will go to bed but first I need to get some Swagbucks
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and Tomorrow morning it's cheese making again, I will make  BergAlp cheese ( that's the name I gave to this cheese) *LOL*

Friday, April 23, 2010

the reason I have a cheese storage room *LOL*

a little over 4 years ago a neighbou of ours started to milk goats, but he was not able to ship the milk yet, because his setup was not approved yet, so he gave me the milk and I learned to make cheese...
BTW I very much DISLIKE goat cheese, but I made some every day and just brought it back to him *LOL* some of my family members eat some but not me.. I find it YUCKYYYY sorry if I offen anyone *LOL*
here is one, th eonly one I have a pictures of, it's a cheddar and I used the color in it... *LOL*
I get goosebumbs just thinking about goat cheese *LOL*

anyways as time got by we ourself on the dairy farm had to much milk, so the guys where dumping milk, and I started to make cheese in 3 pots every day, but it was a mess in the house... and very time consuming working with all these pots..

so a friend of ours gave me this huge pot that holds over 100 liter, it was a SSS pipe and he welded a bottom to it *LOL* and voila my first vat :)
my husband made a wooden rack so I was able to tilt that monster, there would have been no way on earth I could have been able to take the curds out of that thing without tilting *LOL*

so my cheese making started to improove, we did cream for icecream, and we did butter, butter and icecream was easy to store, but cheese???!!!!
we where/are building a new home so the basement seemt the right place for it in early spring, the temperature was OK for a wile...
so I stored my cheese there.
here a few pictures :)

But after the temperature started to raise, and I was getting so mad!! I told my husband that he better get me something or I quit!!! *LOL*

he did build me a cheesehouse, but I don't eaven remember if I took pictures during the building phase *LOL*

OMG yes the picture bellow is 2 different receipe one is Traditional Swiss, and the other is Emmentaler
the best cheese ever, and I only did 2 batches :(

I'm so gonna make more this time around... it was amazing OMG I brag about how good my cheese was!! *LOL* but it was, it was *LOL*

Thursday, April 22, 2010

wow I made it *LOL*

what a stressful night it was, had to drive my daughter to Driver's Ed for 5pm rush home,but I did make a quick stop halfway home *LOL* I went and got myself another scoop *LOL*

Came home and went to feed sheepy and do chores at my barn, then drove to the main farm to pick up the cheese :)

that's the way I bring them home from the farm.

the once from the 20th are out of the Brine solution :)

the once from this morning are taking a bath :)


wow, another batch done *LOL* My husband told me today that I should make cheese again tomorrow, since we work on Sunday.... But hun today is Thursday *LOL* and if I make cheese every other day, the Sunday is a non cheese day!!! he thought today was Friday *LOL* but he should have known I put the garbage out today!!!
So it's a non cheese day tomorrow, good I need to clean up this place...

HA HA HA I knew it!! I knew it!!! I can do this *LOL*

I made it without breaking it *LOL* hahaha!!

wow at 8.10pm I rushed out of the house to make it to the store before they close and pick up my daughter at 9pm
made it to the store 10 minutes before closing, I needed salt and supper... No way I was going to cook from scratch tonight, got my daughter and came home....
wow now it's 11.50pm and I need some ME time *LOL*

so off I go to search with swagbucks,,,, I need to win some more, I want my books *LOL*
wanna join me *LOL* click my banner and start winning to :)
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