Thursday, May 27, 2010

had a nightmare last night *LOL*

OMG did I ever had a nightmare last night! *** giggle*** the dream I had was that my Baby Swiss cheese explodet, and I was paniking because the cheese is so big and my vaccuum sealer bags are to small for that size, in my dream I was sealing bags together to make a big bag, and after i was done I vaccuumed the cheese, and the stupid bag was not air tight *LOL* hahaha it's funny now, but not when I woke up this morning *LOL* I had a splitting headache. and the first thing I did was rushing to the other house to see what my cheese was doing *LOL*
I guess I'm paranoid.. I went in my PJ's to look at my cheese *LOL*

looked good not busted just swelled up, it's a good thing, took a picture a little later.

look how nicely it's swelling *LOL*

anyways not much interesting things today, drove twice to hawks, had to help my mother-in-law shop foir a washing machine. then pick up my daughter from Driver's ED.

OH my Spaetzle Hex came today :)
hopefully I will make spaetzle on saturday.

Tomorrow morning I will do another batch of cheese :) wohoo first pasture milk cheese :) and then tomorrow night I will make cream
yehhh I will make some cream cheese soon *LOL* and give Quark another try, and I get to use my new DollarStore draining bag *LOL*

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